Types of Gum Diseases

Gums hold the roots of our teeth. Healthy gums are the basis of impeccable oral health. And the condition of your oral health must invariably reflect in your smile. Yet given the lifestyles we live and the dietary habits we follow, gums go through a lot of pressure and face a lot of health conditions too.

Gum diseases are classified into two parts. The issues involving the soft tissues around the teeth, and only the gums fall under the term gingivitis. These can be because of infections and can result in inflation bleeding, swelling, and general pain.

The more severe type is called periodontitis. More severe because they spread below the gums and into the tissues and can damage the roots of the teeth and the bones that support them.

Their case is several causes to these. Improper dental hygiene too many processed foods in your diet, excessive sugar intake and lack of fresh and raw vegetation in the daily diet can all result in gum diseases.

The residue of food that stick on the other layer of the teeth, in a thin film is called plaque. Plaque is the major cause of bacteria in our mouth, and the major cause of all dental diseases.

The bacteria in plaque eats the sugars found in the food leftovers in it. They digest these sugars and secrete toxins and other poisonous substances. And as they are toxic, prolonged contact with the causes the soft tissues of the gums to get irritated and can cause swelling and sensitivity. This swelling, in turn, causes the gums to bleed easily when we brush our teeth.

If not taken care of, plaque in longer periods of time solidifies further and harden to form a buildup known as tartar or calculus. At this stage the not just chemically irritated, the gums are altered physical and can shrink to exposes the roots of your teeth, that are sensitive to all kinds of acids, and sugars as well change in temperatures. This results in tooth sensitivity, and other than persistent dull pain in the teeth, there can be shooting painful sensation every time you eat something hot or cold, or something with spices. Further biting into any kind of fruit and hard foods, that may have helped you reduce the built up in the first place also becomes painful.

Simple ways to reduce such dental health problems lie in the basic care of your teeth and a few minor changes in your lifestyle. Eating chewy, raw fresh food helps in the cleaning of your teeth. And gives the right exercise and massage your gums need to stay in shape. Carrots, cucumbers, and apples are a few tasty examples of these foods. Skipping lunch once in a while and snacking your way to good health on these roots and fruits will not only give you an excellent digestive system but also cleaner healthier teeth. Further reducing the intake of processed sugars is always an excellent idea.

Daily brushing and proper care of your oral health have no substitutes, this may sound dull, but compared to the taste and enjoyment you miss out because of unhealthy gums, and a little maintenance is always enjoyable.