How Diet Affects Your Health

healthy diet

Your Diet Affects Your Mouth

We all know that your diet plays a large role in your health, weight, cholesterol, and overall quality of life, but what you eat also greatly impacts your teeth and gums. In fact, a poor diet is guaranteed to lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and a slew of other oral health issues.

Sugar is the Enemy

Sugar tastes great. In fact, it’s been shown to create the same effect in a person’s brain that someone who is addicted to drugs experiences when they take whatever it is they’re addicted to.

The moment bacteria start feeding on sugar in your mouth the begin to produce an acid byproduct that continues to affect your teeth for 20 minutes. During these 20 minutes your teeth are being damaged little by little.

Over time your teeth become weak, decayed, and unable to function. When you add carbonated beverages like soft drinks to your diet you tend to accelerate the damage and decay caused by sugar.

Watch Out for Hidden Sugars

Hidden sugars are everywhere. Just look at the labels on your salad dressing, cereal, bread, and other favorite foods. One of the biggest shockers to patients is when they discover that carbohydrates turn into sugars. So even potatoes and corn can lead to decay.

A good alternative is to enjoy complex carbs like sweet potatoes, which tend to break down more slowly. And, as always, brush your teeth as soon as you finish your meal.

Make Sure You Get Your Nutrients

Though there are obvious foods you should avoid, there’s also a lot of foods you will want to include in your diet. Some of the best healthy snacks are those that are high in protein and low in carbs and sugar. Cheese and beef jerky are a great option.

Cheese and yogurt not only add calcium to your diet, which keeps teeth strong, but also introduce good bacteria into the mouth, which can improve the overall health of your gums. Leafy greens include vitamins and minerals, as well as folic acid, which treats gum disease in pregnant women. And high fiber fruits and veggies and help keep your teeth clean while you eat and make sure your digestive system is up and running.

If you’re concerned about your current diet and how it might be affecting your oral health, schedule an appointment with us. We can help review your diet and make suggestions for improvement, so your entire body gets the most out of what you’re eating.